Blog Post #5

 Twitter has been an interesting tool to work with, but it definitely has many uses and benefits. I have followed some accounts which relate to education, and I have participated in edchat which is a twitter chat that talks about all things education. I think Twitter will be helpful in my future because I believe it could help me to connect with other teachers or other people that might be able to help me in my endeavors. Twitter has a feature which allows you to search for people or accounts so I could use this to help me find people that I would like to talk to.

Digital Divide affects student success in schools because it could hinder students from following instruction and lesson plans efficiently due to not having the technology to do so and it could negatively affect students since technology in education makes things run faster and smoother. For an example, if class is on zoom or another service like it, a student who doesn't have a device or internet service would not be able to participate in class. Some causes for Digital Divide could be, school legislation, lack of money, lack of resources, etc. For an example, some schools do not have the funding to provide laptops for students like many of the school across the country.

Two software tools that I would like to implement in my future classroom are PowerPoint and Microsoft Word. PowerPoint is a tool which allows you to make presentations of one or multiple screens or slides which you can design, and Microsoft Word is a tool which allows you to type on pages. I would like to implement PowerPoint because I like PowerPoint projects for my students to do research. As for Microsoft Word, I would like for my students to be able to write essays or complete writing assignments through that mode.


  1. Hi Kyle! I agree with your thoughts on using Twitter for educational purposes. Until now I diddnt see it as a tool for education, only for social purposes like with friends or following celebrities. My blog post for the digital divide was pretty similar to yours, stating that applications such as Zoom have become essential in this day in age and without internet access, furthers the divide. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future!


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