Blog Post #8

 I learned a lot of new skills in making my website and designing it with interesting aspects. I made sure that I included consistency, alignment, and contrast when building my website. For example, I made sure that I used good fonts and colors for the words in the website so that they would be legible. I also made sure that everything was organized so that it looked aligned. I liked being able to make something of my own which I was interested in, but i disliked how challenging and time-consuming it was to build the website.

Some new skills I learned from diigo are sharing links to other people and accessing shared links. I think this is a great skill because this can help me network with other people who have the same interests as me. This can also help me make a community in which the people in it are helping each other by providing each other with resources. Lastly, I can use this skill to help students with resources in their own learning.

This site is a news outlet/article website that is similar to other news outlets like CNN and Fox. This site provides a hub for new happenings in the educational world such as education technological trends. I can use this site to stay informed of technological trends in education by reading some articles every now and then so I can educate myself on the new things that teachers are doing with technology. I can also find things that work for my specific teaching style and things that work for my students.


  1. Hey Kyle! I really liked your website. I think you did a great job of using the CRAP principles. I especially liked your use of repitition.

  2. Hello Kyle! I enjoyed how aesthetically pleasing your front page was, it definitely made me more interested in the website. I also liked how you used contrast throughout your website.

  3. Hi Kyle!! Your website looks spectacular. The colors all match and all graphics are organized neatly. Everything is aligned and nothing is too close together. Great job on the website, it's very aesthetically pleasing.


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