Blog Journal 2

 Personally, I like to use Microsoft Word because most educators prefer for their students to use it and to submit documents from Microsoft Word for assignments. Microsoft Word is good because it has quite a few user-friendly features such as the Grammar editor which actively checks spelling, grammar, conciseness, etc. I do not prefer one word processing software over another, but one other word processing software that I have used and that I think is useful is Google Docs. Personally, I am comfortable with my ability to use Microsoft Word, but there are still features that I am unfamiliar with.

The ISTE standard that is most meaningful to me is the standard of Collaborator because this is a standard which I utilize in my daily life. I find this standard important because I learn a lot from my peers and those who teach and mentor me and the information, I gain develops me. I think this standard is important for K-12 educators because I think there is always more for everyone to learn, and educators especially should always be developing the way they teach. Collaboration with students and teachers facilitates this by showing teachers what strategies work.

I agree with the use of the term "digital native when referring to today's youth because today's youth are actively growing up with a new generation of technology that is used in all the aspects of our lives. The way digital immigrants and digital natives use technology is also different in the way that the immigrants are used to a different type of technology or are not used to technology at all. For an example, while my friends and I in high school were using things like kahoot and quizlet as study materials, my teachers, who were digital immigrants, were used to older platforms like prezi or study materials that required launchers. In the same way, I believe that the technology that I use may not align with what my students use or might be outdated since they will be more of a digital native than myself.
