Blog Post #6

I think Diigo is a good website and I like that it is user-friendly and that users can easily share and access information and resources. I dislike that it takes many steps in order to post information and share information with your group members. However, once the information is shared, the resources and information are in a medium which helps collaboration and efficiency. I also like that you are not limited to the members of your group and that you can find more resources using the search tool.

So far, I find blogging to be positive because when I blog, I clear my mind and can listen to my thoughts. I like being able to write about things that I feel and things that I want to write about because it is therapeutic. I dislike writing about things that I am unfamiliar with, however. So far, I have learned that it is important to write about what you think of and have your opinions because that is what makes a blog a blog.

One interesting Web 2.0 tool that I may consider using when teaching is Instagram. This tool is a platform where users can share information through posts and where you can explore certain types of information through exploring or have a tailored page of information. I might use this tool and make myself a page for my class where I can post important updates for my class. Instagram is a tool which many young people use and perhaps my students would receive updates and view them better than on any other platform.

Link to instagram:
