Blog Post #7

 I looked at the teacher pages of the faculty in the English Department at Chiles High School. I found a lot of important bits of information including certifications, personal life information, messages to students and parents, the classes that the teacher teaches, their involvement in extracurriculars at the school, pictures of the teachers, contact information, degrees, etc. For an example, one of the teachers, Mrs. Hilary Parsons, included many of these things. In her page she has her mission statements about teaching, personal life details, her experience, qualifications, pictures of herself, how to navigate her canvas page, etc. I think these personal teacher pages are important so that prospective students or parents can understand things about their teachers.

I envision myself to be using technology to their fullest potential and capabilities because I understand the importance and effectiveness of technology when using it professionally. Even now I use technology throughout my daily life to complete the responsibilities I have with relation to school so that aspect will not change in my professional life. Technology make things run faster and easier; for example, when looking for a job, I could use linkdn or indeed to find and apply for a job with all the necessary aspects needed. For teacher productivity I envision myself to continue to use google calendar as well as canvas or whatever school sanctioned site given to me to organize my course.

Personally, I do not have much experience using a wiki except for maybe accessing wiki boards, so using one for the first time was difficult. I liked that you could share information with others using the wiki, but I disliked that it was very hard to navigate and use and was not very user-friendly. I also disliked that it was somewhat out of date and the programs in it were old/slow. Wikis are good for learning information so I could have my k-12 students access specific wikis to deepen their understanding of a subject or topic.

I noticed the Twitter challenge because it was brought up in class. I did not participate because I prefer not to use Twitter because I do not want to distract myself with its features. I think the challenge is good though because it is true that thinking about things to tweet about can be hard. I think I would participate if it was a simple message board instead of Twitter.
