Blog Journal #10

 I learned a lot of new skills while working on Assignment 5 including utilizing PowerPoint to create an interactive learning resource. I liked that we were allowed to include our own aesthetic design in the assignment. I disliked that many of the elements were too difficult to understand and that they were not ran through deeply enough. Next time I would improve on getting the assignment done on time.

Some of the topics that I found most interesting were the parts that talked about personal lives. I also related a lot to the difficulties that some of my peers had that they mentioned in their blogs. For an example, many of my peers had trouble with using social media and other new mediums to promote education. Lastly, I liked reading about the thought processes behind making some of the assignments.

I would like to learn more about implementing book archives into learning. I would like this skill because I know it will help my students conduct research. To achieve this goal, I will look for resources which are free and which provide easy access for my students. An alternative to this would be helping my students access library books for research purposes.
