
Blog Journal #10

 I learned a lot of new skills while working on Assignment 5 including utilizing PowerPoint to create an interactive learning resource. I liked that we were allowed to include our own aesthetic design in the assignment. I disliked that many of the elements were too difficult to understand and that they were not ran through deeply enough. Next time I would improve on getting the assignment done on time. Some of the topics that I found most interesting were the parts that talked about personal lives. I also related a lot to the difficulties that some of my peers had that they mentioned in their blogs. For an example, many of my peers had trouble with using social media and other new mediums to promote education. Lastly, I liked reading about the thought processes behind making some of the assignments. I would like to learn more about implementing book archives into learning. I would like this skill because I know it will help my students conduct research. To achieve this goal, I will loo

Blog Journal #9

 I like that I am in an environment of students that have similar goals in education, and we can help each other. I dislike how the course is structured, the course material, and the strictness of the grading. When I am a teacher, I will improve the classroom experience by creating a space where students can grow and learn, be themselves, and be positive. I will do this by not taking advantage of my position, providing students with everything they need and more, and being voice for my students and to them. Open educational resources are things, usually websites, programs, etc., which are free to use for anyone, but mainly used by teachers and students. One example of an OER, is quizlet which is a website which aides in memorization and retention of subject material. On quizlet there are public study sets which contain words or core phrases and their definitions or counterparts and these sets or series are free to use and share. You can also create your own study sets, for example, I h

Blog Post #8

 I learned a lot of new skills in making my website and designing it with interesting aspects. I made sure that I included consistency, alignment, and contrast when building my website. For example, I made sure that I used good fonts and colors for the words in the website so that they would be legible. I also made sure that everything was organized so that it looked aligned. I liked being able to make something of my own which I was interested in, but i disliked how challenging and time-consuming it was to build the website. Some new skills I learned from diigo are sharing links to other people and accessing shared links. I think this is a great skill because this can help me network with other people who have the same interests as me. This can also help me make a community in which the people in it are helping each other by providing each other with resources. Lastly, I can use this skill to help students with resources in their own learning. https://ww

Blog Post #7

 I looked at the teacher pages of the faculty in the English Department at Chiles High School. I found a lot of important bits of information including certifications, personal life information, messages to students and parents, the classes that the teacher teaches, their involvement in extracurriculars at the school, pictures of the teachers, contact information, degrees, etc. For an example, one of the teachers, Mrs. Hilary Parsons, included many of these things. In her page she has her mission statements about teaching, personal life details, her experience, qualifications, pictures of herself, how to navigate her canvas page, etc. I think these personal teacher pages are important so that prospective students or parents can understand things about their teachers. I envision myself to be using technology to their fullest potential and capabilities because I understand the importance and effectiveness of technology when usin

Blog Post #6

I think Diigo is a good website and I like that it is user-friendly and that users can easily share and access information and resources. I dislike that it takes many steps in order to post information and share information with your group members. However, once the information is shared, the resources and information are in a medium which helps collaboration and efficiency. I also like that you are not limited to the members of your group and that you can find more resources using the search tool. So far, I find blogging to be positive because when I blog, I clear my mind and can listen to my thoughts. I like being able to write about things that I feel and things that I want to write about because it is therapeutic. I dislike writing about things that I am unfamiliar with, however. So far, I have learned that it is important to write about what you think of and have your opinions because that is what makes a blog a blog. One interesting Web 2.0 tool that I may consider using when tea

Blog Post #5

 Twitter has been an interesting tool to work with, but it definitely has many uses and benefits. I have followed some accounts which relate to education, and I have participated in edchat which is a twitter chat that talks about all things education. I think Twitter will be helpful in my future because I believe it could help me to connect with other teachers or other people that might be able to help me in my endeavors. Twitter has a feature which allows you to search for people or accounts so I could use this to help me find people that I would like to talk to. Digital Divide affects student success in schools because it could hinder students from following instruction and lesson plans efficiently due to not having the technology to do so and it could negatively affect students since technology in education makes things run faster and smoother. For an example, if class is on zoom or another service like it, a student who doesn't have a device or internet service would not be abl

Blog Journal #4

  ELA.11.R.1- Reading Prose and Poetry for Grade 11. This standard calls for 11th graders to be able to understand, analyze, and write about, prose and poetry. Based on my current skill set I do not believe I would be able implement this standard because my knowledge, understanding, and ability to teach this subject is minimal. I have had past experience with poetry and prose; being able to analyze, write about, and understand it. However, my knowledge on this subject is rusty and I would need refresher courses to be able to implement this standard. For my tool or resource, I chose the area of Social Studies for 9-12th grade and my tool or resource is named "The impact of Political Parties in America". This tool is an original student tutorial and an interactive program that you are able to click through and read. I would use this in my classroom because it is important to learn the American political structure in order to understand U.S. history and much of this information